Another Field Report! 5-19-2021
Continuing field report: Neat native plants continue to greet FLC biologists as we complete our annual monitoring visits and check out new potential projects. This week’s photos are brought to you from East Tennessee (Knox, Roane, and Sevier County) as well as Williamsburg County, South Carolina! Share your plant photos in the comments!
- Amianthium muscitoxicum – Fly Poison
- Chamaelirium luteum – fairy wand
- Coreopsis sp. – tickseed
- Galax urceolata – Galax
- Hieracium venosum – Rattlesnake Hawkweed
- Panax quinquefolia – American ginseng
- Penstemon digitalis – Beardtongue
- Philadelphus sp. – Mock Orange
- Spiranthes sp. – Ladies’ tresses orchid