Fall 2021 – Letter from FLC’s Executive Director

FLC Executive Director, Bill Clabough, stands next to the new Foothills & Harris Farm sign at the office headquarters in Rockford, TN.
Dear Friends of the Foothills,
The Board and staff of Foothills Land Conservancy sincerely hopes our friends are doing well. The last two years have certainly been unprecedented times for us all!
We’ve had several individuals and families reach out to FLC, after reflecting on their season of life and legacy, inquiring about options for their property’s stewardship and preservation. Please know that we are available to discuss your wishes regarding the long-term planning for your farm or property and can provide options for consideration.
Board and staff are committed to continuing our efforts of land conservation and the working farm tradition. While staff have been busy visiting new potential conservation properties and making annual site visits to 350+ preserved lands, we did carve out some ‘yard’ work time around the office headquarters. Staff removed invasives in the adjacent woods, and weeded and mulched the flower beds. The folks at Overhill Gardens, a local native plant nursery, also worked with our team to plant several native tree and shrub species behind the office which included eastern red cedar, eastern redbud, Kentucky coffeetree, flame azalea, and swamp chestnut oak.
We look forward to seeing everyone at FLC’s Summer Celebration, which is now rescheduled for Thursday evening, May 19, 2022, at RiverView Family Farm. Additional details will be forthcoming. A big thank you to all of the individuals and corporate sponsors who continue to support this event!
I do want to take a moment to also thank FLC’s Board Members for their time, resources, and contributions. We are a stronger and more successful organization because of their efforts. A big thank you to Dan Barnett, FLC’s departing President, who has supported Foothills through his leadership, knowledge and commitment during his six years of service to our organization. We also extend a big thank you to departing Board Members Steve Arnett, Steve Polte, John Proffitt (Vice-President), and Sara Rose.
If you have not visited FLC’s website lately at www.foothillsland.org, I encourage you to check out the site’s new look and updated content. We now offer an interactive map that highlights our land partnerships across the Southeast. We also have FLC’s 2021 Newsletter & 2020 Annual Report posted on our newsletter page. We want to thank web and logo designer, Billy Rivet, along with FLC’s staff, as they all worked together in order to create this new site, blog page, and updated logo this year.
Your ongoing support is more important than ever as Foothills expands our efforts to preserve farmland, woodlands and scenic areas across Tennessee and the Southeast! Please join our other FLC Friends in renewing your pledge to fund our programs. Every gift makes a difference!
Click here to make an online donation to Foothills or visit our donation page to learn about other giving options.
Thank you,
Bill Clabough, FLC’s Executive Director