FLC Celebrates 3,200+ preserved acres in 2021!
It’s been another great year for FLC’s conservation efforts!

This recently preserved 158 acre property in Marion County, TN, boasts spectacular views looking into the Sequatchie Valley.
In 2021, FLC Board and staff have worked with landowners to preserve close to 3,200 acres across the states of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and North Carolina. We will send updates about these projects in the New Year. In the meantime, check out a few highlights…
- Preserved lands in Tennessee included working farms, woodlands and scenic views within the 7 counties of Anderson, Blount, Jefferson, Knox, Marion, Roane and Sevier.
- FLC completed 18 projects that included 2 land donations to the Conservancy, totaling 190 acres.
- Over half of these land partnerships include portions of the property being utilized for agriculture with one property having a Tennessee Century Farm designation.
- Check out a recent Daily Times Article about FLC and highlights from 2021 – “Amid growing rancor over development, Foothills Land Conservancy focuses on its mission!“

This recently preserved 123 acre tract in Heard County, GA, includes forests, grassland habitats, and water resources ideal for flora and fauna. Pictured, exposed rocks dot one of several creeks that flow through the property.

In 2021, FLC completed 6 projects in Alabama, including this diverse and beautiful 515 acre tract in Montgomery County. Pictured, one of several wetlands on the property. A total of 23 bird species were heard or seen during a site survey by FLC biologists, including the blue-gray gnatcatcher, blue grosbeak, and great crested flycatcher.
Additional Projects in 2021:
131 acres in Jefferson County, TN, now preserved!
Glenn and Katie Savage are two of FLC’s newest friends and partners in land conservation! They recently placed a conservation easement on their 131 acre property, affectionately named Dancing Winds Wildlife Sanctuary and Arboretum, which is “dedicated to the preservation and protection of God’s glorious creations—plants and animals.” Glenn has cultivated over 400 different types of trees which are planted across the property and lovingly tends his home garden full of a variety of beautiful and unique flowers.
The Savages have several fields planted in corn/grain sorghum as well as a variety of oaks and other mast-producing trees to supplement the diet of the countless white-tailed deer and turkeys that call their property home. Glen & Katie are also avid birdwatchers and provide many types of feeders for their winged backyard visitors. The Savages say that protecting their beloved property and knowing that it will forever remain a safe haven for wildlife has given them peace of mind, and Glenn hopes in the future to convince some of his neighbors to partner with FLC to protect their land, too.
- View from property with cosmos blooms at forefront
- Pictured – Just a few of the many handmade bird boxes placed throughout the property by Mr. Savage.
- Spring-fed pond on the property
- Open field surrounded by woodlands
- Mature forest on the west side of the property
- Landowner Glen Savage and FLC Biologist, Shelby Lyn Sanders, place FLC conservation easement boundary signs along the property.
- FLC GIS Director, Matt Moore, works with landowner Glen Savage to place FLC conservation easement boundary signs along the property.
Recently preserved 48 acre tract in Sevier County, TN!
- Creek flowing through the eastern boundary of the property
- Open field with tulip poplars along edge
- Trail winds along one of the creeks that flow through the property.
Almost 90% of the property remains in woodland while 10% is in open fields. The property’s forests, pastures, and the edges created where these cover types meet provide ample and diverse habitat for wildlife.
Species noted on the property included eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus), spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer), eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), and at least 13 species of birds, one of which is a Neotropical migrant. Because the property exists as part of a much larger contiguous forest, several other Neotropical migrants are highly likely to be found here, as this is considered a preferred habitat for these species during the breeding season.
Within 10 miles, there are six tracts (totaling about 853 acres) protected by conservation easements held by the Conservancy.
Blount County farm now permanently protected! In August, FLC partnered with a landowner to place a conservation easement agreement on their farm. This diverse property includes a mix of agricultural land, forest, and scenic open space.
128 acres in Roane County now permanently protected! FLC recently finalized another conservation easement on a property that features mature oak-hickory forest, intermittent woodland streams, and open pastureland. This natural area provides for terrestrial and aquatic habitat for interesting plants, migratory birds, and lots of white-tailed deer. FLC biologists identified 127 species of plants during a cursory survey of the property’s natural features, all but 17 of which were native!
- One of the property’s forested areas.
- Wolf Creek
- Boneset (Eupatorium hyssopifolium) in clearing
Two additional properties have also been preserved!
- A 640+ acre farm in Hickman County, KY consisting of cultivated cropland, small creeks, and small wooded areas. The property is located within 20 miles of the Mississippi River.
- A 100 acre property in Chatham County, NC that consists of mixed hardwood-pine forest, saplings, and shrubs along with several fields which are also growing up in early successional vegetation.