Update on FLC’s Pollinator Patch at the Harris Farm
In honor of #NationalPollinatorWeek, FLC staff would like to share an update of our ‘Native Pollinator Patch’ at the Harris Farm. A variety of blooms have really taken off this month and they are attracting quite a diverse group of pollinator species. Check out our gallery of images and visit FLC’s Gardens & Habitat’s page and related Resources page to learn more!
Click here for a list of bird and butterfly species observed by FLC’s biologists at the Harris Farm.
#Wildflowers #EastTennessee #Tennessee #FLC #FoothillsLandConservancy #FlowersOfTheSoutheast #NationalPollinatorWeek #PollinatorWeek #NativePollinators #Conservation #PollinatorPatch #PollinatorMeadow #PollinatorGarden #butterflies #bees #TNConeflower #milkweed #commonmilkweed
- A Brown-belted Bumble Bee on Bee Balm
- Soldier Beetle on Coneflower
- Hackberry Emperor butterfly
- A Variegated Fritillary on Coneflower
- Common milkweed, a plant that provides habitat for the monarch butterfly, is included in FLC’s pollinator patch
- Silver-spotted Skipper on Coneflower
- A Pearl Crescent butterfly stops by a butterflyweed plant
- A Cabbage White butterfly rests on a red clover plant
- TN Coneflower hosts a Yellow-collared Scape Moth (left), a Furrow bee (front/right) and a Tawney-edged Skipper (back/right)
- View of pollinator patch at the Harris Farm